Thursday, April 17, 2014

Mermaid Madness

We must love our kid

Yuula wants a bicycle for Easter. She wants a very silly bicycle for Easter, covered in mermaid stickers with pink sparkles and that blows bubbles when she rides it. It's completely unreasonable and we almost talked ourselves into buying her a 'normal' bike that we could and down to future kids regardless of their stylistic integrities. But we cracked last minute and decided we'd get her the purple monstrosity. Only problem was, we couldn't find it anymore. Not anywhere near us anyhow. When I finally tracked it down at a Target about an hour or so from our house I bought it and told Laura we'd have to figure it out how we were going to get out there to pick it up. So when Laura got home from work on Thursday night, both still exhausted from a busy early week, we loaded up the children and headed out to pick up the bike. A quick errand with Susie and ham delivery we were off to some unknown backroads with taco bellies and the sun already setting. We got there and split up, her taking the kids and me dealing with the stealthy transfer of what I now call Mermaid Madness. We were tired, after 9pm, still over an hour from home, but at least she's getting her stupid bicycle. 

We must love our kid.

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