Sunday, February 3, 2008

A Proud & Inauspicious Giants Fan


I purposefully haven't mentioned this game mainly because it's still a little odd that the Giants are actually playing in it. I mean a couple weeks ago we were hoping they would even make it to the playoffs. Then I would be content to see New England beat the Cowboys or Packers or whoever made it into the Super Bowl. But now...

I don't think I'm alone when I say that this season has already surpassed what any sane Giant fan could have hoped for, and I can honestly say that I'm not going to be disappointed if they don't win tonight. I would prefer them too, but I'm not crossing any fingers or toes. Let's just hope for a good game and maybe a little friendly dirty play. I will be comfied in with my favorite foods and favorite girl so, I'm good.

My official prediction:
Giants 73
Patriots 4

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