Monday, April 29, 2013

When You Let Yuula Coordinate Your Birthday Party...

There's the other birthday boy. 63 this one is. 63 and still kicking. Wouldn't even sit down when there's electrical to be connected. But we kept him up late, almost midnight. And filled him full of pasta salad and muffins. 

Yuula took a go at decorating, un-decorating, and re-decorating the cake. Don't mind the icing on her lips. She's not sneaking any bites.

Then, as a gift she performed a 27 minute 7 part dance, full improv and costumed. The costume was pantless pajamas. The performance was well-received.

Then we just cut this puppy in six, and everybody got one. The Yuula had a sugar high, which became a sugar low pretty quickly.

Happy Birthday Father. 

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