Saturday, April 6, 2013

I Am A Fulparkerare Who Livsloggas

I found this article that was entitled "Ogooglebar... and 14 Other Swedish Words We Should Incorporate Into English Immediately". Why not right? Turns out ogoolebar just simply refers to a search that gets zero results in Google. I remember hearing something awhile back about these guys putting together a website that listed words or combinations of words that received zero results on Google. I guess they failed to realize that once they listed those words or combinations that they were no longer unGoogleable, so.... failure. But here the Swedish have decided to invent a new word and try to add it to their dictionary. That is until Google wanted in a refused to release the right to use the foundation of their company name unless the name itself was in the definition, which I guess the Swedish Merriam-Webster was not willing to chalk up the cash. Anyhow....

I found a few words that I myself would like to work into my vocabulary, so I'm putting them here, so I can practice them, because Swedish is wild.

Firstly, anyone who knows me knows that I'm a Livslogga, (v. - literally translating to "life log," the word refers to continually documenting one's life in pictures). And proud of it. Going on seven years without missing a day so far. Makes for some pretty damn harsh realities of my boring life, but, now I know what to call myself.

Ask Laura, I am a Fulparkerare, (n. - literally translating to "ugly parker," the word describes someone who parks his or her car in a particularly egregious or unlawful manner). But only since we've bought the van. I don't know if it's the shortened front end or the concern for sliding doors but I cannot park that thing straight. Like not even close. And I find myself really concentrating on it too, thinking I've nailed it, only to hop out and find the parking spot nearly perpendicular. Yeah, I'm an ugly parker.

This one doesn't so much refer to me or even Laura, we're constantly without our phones, but we do know a few Nomofobs, (n. - any person who feels anxious at the very thought of being separated from his or her mobile phone. Adapted from the clunky English "no mobile phone phobia."). And now we know what to call them. Not that it will matter because they either won't understand what we're talking about to even care, or by the time we explain it to them we'll be too hungry for Swedish beef curry to remember what we're talking about.

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