Saturday, April 6, 2013

May 26th, Alarm Set For 3am

To say that I am excited about the return of Arrested Development is quite literally the understatement of the year. I think when I saw this graphic the other day I may have squealed like a little girl. In fact, I know I did. So in honor of the only show to come along in years that we (here) can watch time and time again and still get just as much, if not MORE enjoyment out of it, I will be posting a video, or meme, or gif or whatever else the interwebs come up with, one for each of the 50 days until May 26, when the will brilliantly release ALL 15 EPISODES at midnight PDT. That's 3am our time, and you know my alarm is already set. Don't bother calling that Sunday. You'd be making a huge mistake.

begin the countdown - 50 days...

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