Wednesday, July 4, 2012

So Far Celebrating With Hot Rocks

We have not been all that 4th-y yet today. We laid in bed til 9 laughing at Yuula and then went downstairs and ate some eggs and laughed at Yuula some more. Then we spent what was left of the morning working a little bit in the yard. The summer is quickly slipping thru our fingers and the list of things to get done is getting all the more burdensome. I tackled m main nemesis, this new front patio.

I decided to tear it apart and start over this morning. Good idea with bad timing. The sun beats down on these suckers, and me as well, causing them to reach stifling temperatures themselves. So I'm getting hit by the sun and burning rock all at the same time. It was a joy. I've said it before but I'm saying it again, I don't want to ever lay a patio again. But I will.


It looks ok. Still more to do.

Laura threw down a patriotic tablecloth for lunch so... that's something.


We've bathed everyone and regained our strengths so we're going to head out and try and celebrate this fine country and its hot rocks.

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