Sunday, July 1, 2012

Tea And Fishface

No, not tea and fishcakes, tea and fishface.


Those are her two new favorite hobbies. We got her a tea set at a yardsale couple weeks ago and she has been serving her guests (us) tea every night since. I have no idea where she got the idea to do such a thing. Maybe Caillou had a tea party episode.


Her other favorite thing to do is make a fishface at the camera. Some of them come out pretty scary. These are the "cute" ones.


And all this was going on while I tried to have her watch Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. But that didn't last long because I decided that I needed to think about what order I wanted her to see these films in. Did I want her to experience the saga as her father before her did, 4-5-6-1-2-3, or did I want her to possibly benefit from seeing from beginning to end, therefore also increasing the quality of the films with each viewing.? Then I realized she wasn't paying any attention anyhow and I turned on The Fifth Element.

1 comment:

Mom and Dad said...

too cute with the tea party..but that first fish face is rather scary...looks like there are no teeth