Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Conniption Fits To Everything Fits

Today had highs and lows. The low was first thing in the morning when Yuula flipped out when we asked her to pick up some socks and put them in the storage bin. She lost her marbles and threw the worst and possibly only conniption fit of her short little life. It was kinda cute, but sad, and at the very least intriguing. It's gonna be a rough one, these next 15 years.


She did finally pick up the socks.

Then we made huge strides in the sheds, old and new. I'm telling you, if you ever saw it before, you wouldn't recognize it now. Things are finding their homes, finally after 4 years. And the main cause of all this free range capacity is the new storage unit. We went over in a last ditch effort to regain control of the already elusive organized space and add some stock in the form of winter wardrobe and space heaters.


Glad no one wanted to get into their own unit last night.


This place is the latest manmade wonder of the world, categorized and puzzle-pieced in for maximum space utilization. If there were ever a job for this kind of skill I would be making six figures. Next time you're up I will give you the guided tour.


And nothing like a healthy McDonald's supper on the concrete floor of Uncle Bob's Storage. The good news is happy meals come in a box again instead of those cheap-o bags. And Yuula likes french fries on the elevator, but since I don't have a photo of that, here she is eating lunch.


1 comment:

Mom and Dad said...

the first pic breaks my heart...glad you ended with a cuter one...

lots of work at the storage unit...whew....done...:)