Thursday, July 21, 2011

Your Butt Called


Laura's butt called me today. It's happened before and I usually just hang up. Today I stayed on the phone. The conversation was muffled but here's a sampling of what goes on there during business hours.

"I got so many chairs today"

"Can you sign that?"

"For the love of Shiva, you look like hell!"

"I don't have anything to go with that India piece"

"I will stab you with my boxcutter"

"You feel like you're gonna pass out everyday"

"You know you can make a bomb out of froot loops and batshit?"

"Can you get one of those long ottomans and put it here?"

"I smell a greasy bohunk"

I might have made some of those up.

1 comment:

Mom and Dad said...

I love butt calls...