Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Exerting In Subdivision

Yuula likes to garden with her Mum.

After a week to ten days of relative inactivity in the yard I have decided to take a new approach to it all. Instead of tackling large jobs and beating them to death I have decided to do bits and pieces of many different jobs. This allows me to not tire of a single seemingly repetitive task at the same time ensuring the feeling of accomplishment at the end of the day.


Today I mowed one fourth of the lawn, weed-wacked the area fully and raked up the remnants. Usually after mowing the entire yard and weed-wacking every crevice I am too tired to rake the whole mess up, the piles lay there and the grass dies. I should just burn the lawn and save some time. After raking up that 1/4 I moved onto filling holes in the yard where I always twist ankles, excavated some flat rock out of the woods and then tore apart the section of the pool deck that we are going to replace so it no longer looks like a pool deck. Good day's work.


That plus we saw Høgni and all her tar is gone. Good for her. She's the only cat that let's Yuula pet her.

1 comment:

Mom and Dad said...

looking good...I hope you left enough room to mow those new paths...
little by little all will get done...

Hey whats the story with Aug 6th and 7th...let us know.