Friday, March 27, 2009

Childlike Empress Mystery: Solved


So I've just solved a mystery, and I don't think I'm alone on this when I say, that in all these years, since I was a young boy, I have never been able to figure out what the hell Bastian names the Childlike Empress at the end of the Neverending Story.

I know, it's a silly absurd thing to be contemplating at 30, but the Mets game ended (beat the Nationals 4-1) and I started flipping and I just happened to come right in on that scene. Turned the volume, even got close to the TV to see if I could read lips (all of the sudden I can read lips?) but still no idea. It seems like he's saying Chloroform, but that can't be right. What kind of name is Chloroform, and for Royalty?

Anyhow, this 25 year old mystery had to come to an end. I'd had enough, and figured that with such modernisms as the world wide web at my beckon call and an hour to kill before Laura gets home, I figured I'd do a little research. It wasn't hard, seemingly no one knows what on Earth Bastian yells out the window into the lightning, and I immediately found numerous pages on the subject. One, claiming to be an official script seemed to be the most trustworthy source, so I read on, exchanges between Falkor & Atreyu, good. Then the Empress enters the scene, tension builds. Bastian starts to realize his fate. Fantasia begins to crumble. Getting closer. A couple more lines..... wait, What is that word? That can't be right. Check another site. Scanning..... yeah same thing. Ok?


Bastian named her Moonchild.

How disappointing. I waited 25 years for that. Moonchild. A hippies attempt at celestial reverence. A book title by a black magic occultist. A song by Captain Beefheart. Moonchild. I like Chloroform better. I wish I hadn't found out at all. And that's how I'll start the weekend. Can only get better. Moonchild.

Interesting sidenote; I found in my research that the actress that played "Moonchild", Tami Stronach, became quite the accomplished dancer. Check her out.

1 comment:

Brian @ PWYJudges said...

Is this the Childlike Empress??