Sunday, October 28, 2007

I'm sitting on April's couch, as another adventure in Miami comes to a close, trying to decide between a program on Nostradamus' lost predicitions or witnessing the inhumanity of this supremely disappointing world series. Both are extremely disturbing right now so I may just find some cartoons somewhere. I need lighthearted.

Miami, as expected, was great. "Fabulous" they'd say. I've settled into my role here quite nicely (ifIdosaysomyself) and can really just sit back and enjoy spending time with some of my favorite people. Speaking of favorite people, Hayden Rhodes came over tonight and joined the rest of the staff for some pizza & beer. Some of my favorite times in Boston involved Hayden and it's awesome to get to hang out again, as brief as it may be. He's one of the good ones.

I did finally get my Chicken Kitchen dinner, my favorite restaurant in Miami, and some say the only reason I actually come down here anymore. It was delicious and filling. But other than that, nothing of much consequence went on here this weekend. I guess that's a good thing. Being relatively uneventful.

Anyhow, I'm babbling on, trying not to watch the Red Sox score another run. On to the photos:

April is most comfortable when surrounded by her native foliage.

April gave us a tour of her new country club, and then breaks into hysterics. Luckily Greg was there to catch her.

Mario performs his mating dance. It's catching on in the clubs.

Ever stoic, man of mystery, & owner of 1,1oo DVDs, ladies & gentlemen: Lopez Reese.

Greg searches thru April's extensive pumpkin collection and finds one that's his speed.

Ray being Ray.

The team throwing stuff around.

Rockies just made it a one run game, bottom of the 8th.......

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