Wednesday, November 12, 2014

What Does The French Ghost Say On Halloween?

(from October 31st, obviously)

What does the French ghost say on Halloween?


I think I made that joke up.

Halloween was off to a lazy start. Our dragon fell asleep.

We went to visit Eileen at the rehab. They had an awesome Halloween trail last year. This year; gone. Me; pissed.

Yuula saw this photo and now she truly thinks she has magical powers. Maybe she does.

Aesop just can't seem to keep his head on.

Took a little moment to play some GoT

Then I pretended to sacrifice the unicorn to the Halloween gods.

Mommy hides behind her protector

Next year I want to go as Aesop. This looked cozy.

Downtown Stroudsburg does Halloween right

Which one is the real Laura?

Reviewing her take

The dragon didn't make it.

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