Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Bring Us Lights Already

Not much goings on. We're trying to lay low. There's going to be a lot of that coming up here, for the rest of the year. Priority numero uno, finish the upstairs remodel. I am under strict orders, that I have til February 8th, a seemingly trivial date, but it's not. I'm thinking I'd like to shoot for a nice Christmas completion, maybe some wallpaper and stain under the tree. Maybe that massive corner lamp we saw at IKEA. And some records. 

But we're looking at lights right now. We need three. Three completely different lights, but all falling within 12 feet of one another, so not that different. And I'll be damned if there isn't 8 kazillion to choose from. That's one thing we're fairly terrible at, is narrowing down the choices.

Maybe she should just choose.

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