Saturday, May 25, 2013

Re-Strike The Lightning

Confession. There is a VERY good chance that despite my fifty day countdown, my month and a half long obsession with the return, that we will not watch the new shows tomorrow. There is an even BETTER chance that we won't watch them tomorrow night, or even Monday. The list of reasons is long and dull. I am thinking maybe Thursday night, or Saturday. Who knows. But it doesn't mean we're not stoked. And if anything it will give us the chance to finish playing catch-up. Since it's been a few years since we've seen the original episodes we came up with the genius idea to watch them all again before May 26th. How'd that go? We're almost at the end of season 1. Only like 40 more to go. Heh.

But, after watching a few previews, a few clips from the latest, I gotta say, I'm not blown away. And I know I can't judge an entire collection of shows by 15 second clips, but my trepidation is not so much due to the new material letting down as much as watching the old stuff has proven such sitcom perfection that I fear they'll never be able to re-strike the lightning. And they won't. But that's okay. It'll still be better than 100% of what's on TV today. That would be 100%.

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