Sunday, March 10, 2013

All Because The Sun Came Out

 We had planned to run the electric thru the new walls today, getting another step closer to sheetrocking, bringing us closer to actually having s closet and being able to sop picking thru the pile of clothes that has become the front room upstairs. But when we woke up ad felt the sun shining and the temperature up in the 50's we decided to head out and make a day of it.  

We went to the tiny-but-expensive antique shop on 611 to see if we could get inspired by design. They have some incredible finds there. If we were wealthy we'd be having a good old time up in there. But for today's cause, we were content to browse.

This here is a photo we found online that we fell in love with the sink and hoped to model our new bathroom upstairs after, as close we could, knowing we'd NEVER be able to find that sink, but we'd be willing to settle for a close knock-off from the Home Depot or something. And it was the furthest thing in our mind when we rounded the corner in the basement of the antique shop when...

Bam. I mean we are talking identical. Just without the updated faucet, which is a feature still up for debate. We were stoked and having learned our lesson numerous times over of thinking "oh it will be here next time we come" and then not, we snatched it up and didn't look back. The owner assured us it's a great deal, but she also told us not to trust anyone, especially if they're trying to sell you something. Seems like an odd approach to sales. What do we care, we found our sink!

Yuula got a free purse and baby Raybans and we hit the road, glad we didn't stay home for once and encouraged that the renovation is going to end up just as we want. That is if doesn't all collapse thru the floor.

 And Laura got a mimosa.

1 comment:

Mom and Dad said...

love the idea for the sink..really neat...nice find.. :)