Thursday, April 26, 2012

Describe My Perfect Date


Favorite birthday in a long time. Started off with a a surprise gift bag on the kitchen table containing new sweatshorts (since mine have recently been deemed unsavory to wear in mixed company), a case of ginger beer, and my very own boppy which I know is a baby pillow but they are so comfy and really help me not wake up with a stiff neck. So now everyone in the house has their own. No more middle of the night ransacking. Then a visit to Yuula's doctor where she got a clean bill of health and two needles in the leg. But she's a pro now. Shook it off before we left the office. Plus it was quite nice to visit their new office. So official. And as long as they still hand out pretzel rods, they're out pediatricians.


We stopped in at Ross & Ross to see if we were fit to be tree owners and it turns out that we had more confidence in ourselves than we thought. Kathy spent about two hours with us talked us thru the whole process so we love her now. Plus she gave Yuula a little ladybug shovel. New favorite nursery. Three trees tagged and ready for pickup, hopefully tomorrow but right now the truck is full of bulk trash so...


Couple tacos for lunch and some lite grocery, then home. Yuula tried to take a nap but I think she was more excited about my birthday than me. I tried to motivate to get outside to do a little yardwork but the rain was on and off and the bed was so comfy. But that was just a quick nap, then onto afternoon dance party and making dinner, of which Yuula was quite the helping hand I hear.


Honey Bunny joined us for the meal.


And, as it is in on an Estler birthday...


She helped herself to this one, too.


Not too bad. Laura let me watch both Mets & Knicks game with minimal groaning and they both won. I fell asleep letting her catch up on New Girl and getting an ear rub. Seriously, I don't know what more I could've asked for.

1 comment:

College Dating said...

How cute! :) I love this kind of idea. Stay in love. God bless you both.