Friday, September 9, 2011

You Must Be Kicking From The 35


Up early this morning, because Yuula's up early this morning. I brought her downstairs and let Laura sleep in. Got her to go back down on the couch, but now I'm up, looking at a website of "chicks" with Steve Buscemi eyes. Valid. I have my faborties, like Miley Cyrus, Princess Leia, and Helena Bonham Carter, mainly because she just looks like herself.


Football started last night. We watched about one quarter before we got sleepy. I was rooting for the Packers cause I like when Brett Favre is sad. Laura had more commendable reasons for rooting for New Orleans. But evil won out.


And what's with this kicking off form the 35 bull? They can't really be serious. That was an experiment right? They're just kidding around. In fact, from now on, whenever I think anyone is pulling my leg I'm gonna say "Oh, you must be kicking from the 35". Let's see if it catches on.


I'm staying home today and watching our new sunflower. The one that survived. I got some uncluttering to do for work. Just handed off a job yesterday and the work files are decimated. But I got some new music to get me thru the day. Some CSS, maybe CSNY and the new CYHSY. Laura doesn't leave til noon. There's an hour long rehearsal and a standstill halftime performance but it's not worth dragging the baby in NJ for. What is? (just kicking from the 35 Mom & Dad)

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