Saturday, August 14, 2010

These Things Tend To Happen


A quick but exhausting week. Falling into a schedule that's only destined to be uprooted in the coming weeks, if not days. Mindset is one thing, but obsession is another. I'm somewhere in between the two and I don't sense any alleviation in the near future. The "things we do before the baby comes" list is growing larger and becoming more impracticable. But one thing we get to check off is -hang out with the Brust. The guest of honor arrived not too late last night, in the dark of it, an we spent the first 20 minutes letting our eyes focus on the stars. It's one of our tours highlights that we usually save til the end. It was a late night where we talked about new music and telephoto lenses and spelling You on You and weird things. A late night for sure, they're both still in bed, but today should be chock full of tasty morsels, as id the case when Eric is in town. Don't be surprised to be regaled with tales of tiger-faced, rubber-booted river beds near emptied out caboose cars and seafood in fields of green with yellow & grey stripes. These things tend to happen.


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