Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Wrld f Ck/lmpc Prk/Knnsw Mntn: 2 Weeks

This is how I feel...

Another relatively uneventful week. Fran's been scanning like a maniac. I made Madison pee herself. I been bulking up the iTunes library. Went from 25,576 songs/105.4 days to 28,851 songs/115 days and I see no sign of it letting up anytime soon.

We did go to the World of Coke last Thursday. That was refreshing. Thanks Elsa!!!

Man it was dark in there huh?

Right outside the Coke Museum is Centennial Olympic Park so we hit that up, real quick. Thanks...uh...Billy Payne.

Oh! And we climbed/drove Kennesaw Mountain. That was something we felt we 'needed' to do before we left the state.

It was hot!

Ok so I guess we haven't been that uneventful.


We are at the 2 week mark. Things are about to get a little crazy. I leave for DCI finals in the morning. Flight to California at 7am. Ouch. Come back Sunday night round 9. Ouch-er. Then it's off to Buffalo on Tuesday, from there driving to Allentown Pennsylvania to teach on Wednesday (don't ask), then flying home Wednesday night. Trying to get a group of Georgia friends together at the Velez residence for next Thursday. Then we may be going to Savannah to hang with the Pittman's for the weekend.

...Yeah...I know...

So that would bring us to the 20th. Our final week here in Georgia. Our final few days actually. The 23rd is still the date we plan to leave. I'd like to get together with the Kelly's somewhere in there but not sure it's gonna work out. I don't even know if they're in town. But, in any event, round lunchtime on the 23rd, we'll hop in that big blue van, packed with as much of our crap as we can fit in there, plug in the iPod, and head out.

But for now, I leave you with this extremely random and rather disturbing video.

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