Friday, August 17, 2007

Parties of the "Going Away" Variation

Less than a week now! Crazy. Crazy things are happening, but there's no time for talking about that right now. Fran is on her way home from work and then we're leaving for a weekend in Hilton Head & Savannah, living it up Pittman-style. Haha. It should be wicked fun.

Anyhow, we've had 2 (count them 2!) going away parties this week. Kinda random last minute gatherings really.

First on Wednesday we had the family version

We had hash brown casserole and ginger cake. Tasty!

Then last night was of the Aspera+ version

This including all the corn chips and mexican cheese dip you could eat and some Dominos pizza. Oh the grandeur!

Both included good-times-had-by-all, reminiscings, laughings, sadnesses, hugs, I love you's, and obviously good-byes. Fran & I are ecstatic about moving on and starting fresh somewhere new, but it's crazy to think of all the memories we get to take with us.


Oh! And we saw a deer on the way home.


1 comment:

jen.barton1 said...

I am very upset that I did not get the invitation to the get together until today, when Facebook was unblocked by my school server.


Jen Barton. I am sad.