Sunday, March 23, 2014

Erin Go Bragh Beag Déanach

 For some reason, holidays don't fall on holidays, so while everyone else in the world has already packed up their greens, we headed out to the St. Patrick's Day Parade, the only way we knew how. 

 Smart thing to arrive early on Main Street, before they close the roads and while the drunkards are still tolerable. We wandered into a bike shop, mainly because of the sweet tandem in the front window, but when we heard it was a cool $750, we had to make up another excuse to be in there. That's why we have kids. To save us from potential social embarrassments. 

 The strip was yet to be jumping when we bumped into the Trunks, so we decided to go for lunch, a little off the path, to the Willow Tree.

Holy crap this place was good. Laura ordered the biggest burger I've ever seen and was also done before everyone else. The girls had freedom to roam since everyone was lining up for the parade, and  the feta baked brie was amazing.

We headed over to Main Street and good hour into the procession, but I doubt we really missed anything. For some reason parades have become mostly a bunch octogenarians in sports cars and every emergency vehicle in a 100 square mile radius. Note to self: best time to rob the record store is during a parade.

The girls had a blast, collecting thrown candy, waving to strangers, and getting an early view of the kind of boys we'd like them not to bring home someday.

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