Saturday, March 22, 2014

Did They Even Have Marshmallow Topping?

We finally wandered into the Castle Inn in the Water Gap, after driving by so many times and wondering what the hell was going on in there. It was quite a surprise. A handful of quaint shops selling all sorts of goods, from lovely little toys to vintage kitchen appliances. Also a fairly stocked auction house in the back with some pretty sweet finds for some ridiculous low prices. Makes me curse our square footage.

They also had a cute little ice cream shop, called Zoe's I think. Got word that all the furniture was reclaimed from Tavern on the Green. I was hoping Rick Moranis would bang on the windows before turning into Vinz Clortho, the Keymaster, and summon Gozer with the helo of Zuul, but instead we just got sundaes. Laura got a shake.

Yuula sat by herself at the children's table, which was simultaneously adorable and pathetic, mixed with her inability to eat ice cream without causing a complete disaster area, so I guess it was pretty close to being attacked by a skyscraper-sized marshmallow man. 

we don't do moderation

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