Thursday, September 6, 2007

Curse! Blasphemy!! Sacrilege!!!

In NJ for two full weeks with nary a peep! We should be ashamed... ..

Jersey'll do that to ya tho. The first week flew by. I taught camp up at Roxbury (eternity) and then we helped Mom at her craft fair in Ocean Grove. This week we've been mostly job-hunting, which in and of itself sucks. Fun has been had however... the ocean...

...planting grass... hunting...

...pressure washing...

...and most importantly, we got our kitties back.

Seems like we've been eating a lot of donuts, ice cream and watching ALOT of Cesar Millan. I think Mom and Fran got a little crush on him. It's a pack leader thing.

I gotta admit, he's fairly handsome.

Ooh and we figured out how to make that frozen alligator...kinda...

P.S. look who already has Jersey hair

be back soon, promise

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