Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Our Home Defragment

I like when we just sit around and listen to music and stare at things. Those are the best mornings. Clocks don't matter. Not anymore. Just asleep or awake. The rest fits in between.


I like feeding the herd. They're consistent. Such habitualists. The old timers first on top of the dresser and the youngens next down on the ground. It's the feline version of the big people/little kids tables. I didn't set it up this way. They did.


I like eggs & grits for breakfast. Not because they're delicious but because it means it's getting cold. During the summer, it's cereal 99% of the time. Now that the mornings are chilly, we want something to warm our bones.


I like a sleeping baby. Especially when she's wrapped up like a peapod. She has been sleeping well. A rough night here or there, but mostly, sleep. And we know she's asleep because she makes a lot of noise.


I like when deer wander thru the yard. They usually eat up all of Laura's plants but we haven't taken any steps to stop them, so apparently we don't care that much. But for now, we have some kittens trying to chase them off. Or maybe they're playing...


I like when Laura goes to take a shower and comes back downstairs to find cornstarch on my face. She likes that, rather.


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