Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sun Aside

Driving home west on 80 between 6 and 7 is a bitch!


But today was an easy day, sun aside. Drove all day, up there and down there, and taught some drill for a change at the RxHS. Gonna do the same thing tomorrow, just til later. Came home to see the Mets up by 9 and getting ready for bed, early. Need some sleep. One of the kids told me I looked peckish today. I think I'm just a little worn. Looking forward to an easy weekend. Heard the family is coming up. They multiply easier than gremlins. Good thing they can't stay awake past midnight. Not sure why we're watching the Duggars. I don't care for the Duggars. Neither does Laura. Neither does Yuula.

Here's today's obligatory Yuula photo...


She's decided it's okay to cry. Good for her.

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