Tuesday, June 8, 2010

It All Came Back To Me

Laura had an appointment with the infamous Dr. Jeff yesterday to take care of some basic pregnancy issues like weazing, charlie horses, magnesium deficiency and just generally being a tubby butt. Since her Mom wanted to go with her I took the opportunity to drive down to my old stomping grounds. I headed down 41, being almost completely lost til I got to the Big Chicken thanks in part to the rapid expansion and betterment of the strip malls and storefronts. I'm not falling for it Georgia.

Georgia is confusing for consumers

But I did manage to make it down to Windy Hill and travel my old route, tho I was on the phone with Eric Babula half the time trying to come up with scenarios for the murder game that I am completely absent for. They can't live without me.

I've begun to take notice.

I got a quick call back to Doctor Jeff's and then we headed over towards Town Center, the Marietta mecca, because Cheryl had to buy some new perfume. Who knew she was a juicy couture girl. Laura then felt that baby needed some greasy food, so when you're in Atlanta, there's only one place to go. The Varsity.

Mother & daughter alike.

A V can't cover me.

And then because Laura has some sob story about how back in Pennsylvania they run ads on TV for Golden Corral buffet, yet there isn't one for 170 miles around and now that we're so close being down in Georgia we owe it to her.

And what would it be without a group shot outside by the sign?

So far today is about rest, Glee & volcanoes, not in that order. Later on we may get out in the sun, but we're in no hurry.

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