Saturday, May 8, 2010

Extras On Saturday

The painters missed...

Saturday. That's right. Get to sleep in. So why did my alarm go off at 3am? And downstairs nonetheless. So not only did I have to wake up, I had to get up too, and tiptoe my stocking feet all the way downstairs, in the dark to shut it off. So I was up. But I managed to nod off to catch a few extra hours, but still, that 3am wakeup is brutal, especially on a day like today.

But save that curse, it's been a pretty weekend-y Saturday. I've had two cups of tea with extra creamer, cereal with extra sugar, and watched a movie, Sideways, with an extra movie which should be over just in time to pick up the Mets game. Paid some bills and then paid some extra bills that aren't even due yet. Oooh that's a dayful right there. Poor Laura had to go in to work today, but she's home early and we'll catch up on some Lost and probably have some baked ziti for dinner.

And then there's Sunday...

Eyes: As Good As It Gets
Ears: Tallest Man On Earth - The Wild Hunt

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