Sunday, May 16, 2010

She Has Love. We Have Groceries.


Neither of us went to work on Tuesday. More pressing matters. And you're only finding out now because, well, we've been making up for lost time since then. But now I think we're caught up. Yeah we're definitely caught up.

We had our second (and final) ultrasound Tuesday at 2:27. This was a quick visit, simply to confirm the change of due date, which is now August 29th instead of the 31. It was August 16th. At this point were just saying "She comes when she comes". They wanted to make sure there were no growth issues tho. There weren't. Baby healthy! Except right now she looks like she's got chicken legs. Maybe we'll name her Foghorn. That's pretty, right? The doctor also encouraged us to start counting kicks. Count 10 in a few minutes and baby is good. I think she did 47 in 12 seconds the other day. I'm guessing baby is good.

Here she be:


That black hole, that's her heart. It's kinda shaped like an upside heart, huh? She has love. That'll be our last sonogram tho. The next time we see her she'll be real and in the flesh and probably screaming her face off. We actually cannot wait.

We also did some much needed grocery shopping. Due to our proximity to a grocery store and our recent increase in busy-ness, we hadn't done this in a while. Which is why we ended up with two carts full of food. In our defense we did have to buy a new hamper to wash my chemical-charged work garb and that took up half of one cart, but we also filled that up with food so.... I guess it's no different. We went up and down every aisle and got all the good stuff, including a few things for around-the-house fixer-uppers. And yes those are frozen pizzas and bags of chips on top of there, but I swear to you, the bottom was full up with fruit and salad. So the cupboards are stocked and the freezers packed, and baby & momma won't go hungry. At least for a week or so.

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