Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Finishing Touches


Past couple days have been about the final touches here and there. Reaching down to the bottom of those storage bins for every little Christmas doohickey and whatsihoosit to erratically scatter across the house making sure we'll never find some of them again til July, at which point we'll decide to just leave them up because it would be easier than digging out the Christmas bins and Christmas is in 5 months anyway.


But for now, Christmas in two days. Christmas Eve is even sooner!


There's no time to waste wrestling with the strings of lights. They go up tangled.


And yes, we put up little stockings for each of the 8 cats, at which point they take them down and run around the house with them dangling from their mouths. Cats don't get Christmas.


I think we're done, and most of the gifts are wrapped, just gotta jam 'em under the tree. So, dare I say, we're ready for Christmas a whole two days early. I dare.

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