Sunday, January 20, 2013

Why Can't We Just Be Sunday?

Sunday's never have too strong a sense of Sunday in them round these parts. Even in the winter we find a boatload of a workload. Starting off with grocery shopping to supply ourselves with the ingredients to fully implement a Christmas gift and returning other ill-fitting Christmas gifts. Seems we can't get away from Christmas. We'll be traveling down to Georgia next week to celebrate it again. Calendars and Macy's decor don't tell us what to do. Forever 21.

We came home to flip on the TV at kickoff. Would've rather seen Atlanta/Baltimore but as long as it ain't the Patriots, I could really care less. The Brother Bowl, Super Baugh, Harbaugh Bowl will be fun tho. Thanksgiving will never be the same. Between commercial breaks we moved heavy furniture. During downs I heard clanking plates and rustling appliances. Forever changing.

Then we drank cherry moonshine.

1 comment:

Mom and Dad said...

Sunday day of rest was long ago forgotten...
need to take some pics of the moved furniture...
looks like Yuula is really into the new hair bow...sorry Laura...