Tuesday, January 22, 2013

She's Been Carpe Dieming

I've noticed lately that Yuula is really trying to fill up her whole day with activities and whatnot. She's what us adults may call a "go-getter". She must be adopted. 

Today she played ball, wrestled me, built block castles, played guitar, danced, put her baby to sleep, played with her dollhouse, her kitchen, her computer, she colored and jumped on the bed, gave me a checkup, rode her horse, played hide & seek (by herself), took a bath and pretended to be a dolphin and a mermaid, read books, got dressed and undressed between four outfits, distributed jewelry and hairbands between us, pretended to be a robot, a cat and a dog, and chased a balloon, and that was all after lunch. She wears me out just being in the same room. 

She's also gone without a nap for about a week now. Which is probably why she's gone to bed so willingly and passed out cold before we can close the door behind us. People say they wish they had her energy. I wish I had her rapid eye movement.

I'm just glad she's getting some exercise indoors, since it's 9° and all.

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