Monday, December 31, 2012

...That's How I'm Going Out

let me know how it goes...

Well There I Go...

Ahh, The Taste Of Natural Rubber

Out Before The Year News Itself

The Krupp elders came in to close out the Christmas and ring in the new year with us. Yuula padded her Minnie collection and Laura and I got some vintage bowling balls. Guess who's joining a league after all.

Yuula ran the already road-weary grandparents into submission, but mommy and daddy got a nice break from child rearing for the weekend. 

For some reason, every time her parents come visit, some random and equally horrible toy from Laura's childhood pops up around the house that distracts Laura for days.

We made beef wellington again, because we can

Dave became slightly obsessed with changing all our circuit breakers from 15 to 20

And Yuula became a barista and set up a coffee house in the living room. Convenient.

They just hit the road, bright and early, and should be back in Georgia to see Dick Clark reign in the New Year. 

(shhh they don't know he's dead)

Sunday, December 30, 2012

I Don't Mind The White

As opposed to the usual green seen here...

Battle Baby Snowballs

The Playdate & The Dentist

The few days after Christmas were a doozy, for me. Ended up at the hospital night after having what was summed up to be an anxiety attack from too much stress and exhaustion, which was only compounded by us getting home at 4am and getting right back to it. Laura left for work and I took a quick nap, saw Dani & Vic off and then got to work myself, the whole while Yuula hanging off my leg and paying no attention to the hundreds of distractions she got on Christmas morning. Fail.

Then I had to go to the dentist, which is a very new and exciting endeavor for me. A scaling first on Thursday, which was wild, I feel like I have new teeth. And the a couple fillings on Friday which left me with some sore lips mostly. That guy was using a machete to hold my mouth open and I swear he had an anvil tied to other end of that suction tube that was dangling from my mouth.

Best thing about it was Yuula was able to get in a playdate with Isabella, something we've resolutioned for 2013, now that we're past the whole apocalypse thing and all.

braid and cookie






tea time

Likemother, Likedaughter

the apple doesn't fall far, at all


The Importance Of A Well-Fitted Heel

Danielle Is Artillery, Vic Supplies Munitions

Danielle and Vic arrived late Christmas night. There should be a sign on our door that reads "Welcome to Our Home. Wanna Swing Our Baby?"

Yuula can be pretty relentless. If you come over, make sure you've stretched beforehand.

What's that sir, you haven't had a chance yet. Here you go!

Checking to make sure she hasn't done any permanent damage to her uncle

The next morning we got out in the snow

There wasn't much snow on the ground, but enough to get a good slide going

It started to snow so we took a walk around the neighborhood to take in the view and wear Yuula out

It didn't work

A mighty snow battle ensued

 Yes, we pegged Yuula with snowballs... in the face!

A possible peace treaty?


After we thawed out it was time to cook dinner

A massive bowl of pasta, as is customary when the Forchette's visit

Yuula prepared her own meal dressed as a 50's houeswife

And then Dani swung her to sleep.

Sooooo, Christmas Happened

Some holidays take a few days to fully consume you. Christmas officialy ended yesterday when Yuula finally and painstakingly ripped into her final gift-wrapped package, one inch at a time. It was pink inside. As was most of it. I do not know what has happened to my life.

 This was as close as we could come to a white Christmas, and we'll take it

 The ceremonies began promptly at 9am

 We started at the stockings

 Her new big-girl bed was not an immediate hit, but after about 5 minutes she fell in love and cannot wait to go to bed every night since

 Even Hello Kitty can't make socks an exciting gift

Tinkerbell helped open every gift

Her kitchen was a highlight. She took right to making some French toast. She is my daughter. But then we couldn't get her back to the unwrapping... she just kept saying "No thank you. Cooking."

This playpads was another pause in the action, for me at least. Yuula and her mother seemed to think this was a good time to work off some Christmas cookies.

After about 4 hours she began to tire

Good thing her new bed was only a few feet away

At the start of the second session she opened up her new baby and immediately fed her and put her to sleep

and then practiced some doguitar poses

Does every girl love to dress up?

Now Laura wants to join a bowling league

A momentary break in the action

 Laura and I exchanged gifts too

 Christmas bliss



thoroughly exhausted from too much joy

Now every morning she asks "Christmas coming?"

We say "Yes, in 360 days"