Tuesday, July 3, 2012

To The Fastest Slide In All The Land


Started it off early this morning with a family bike ride round the back of the neighborhood and across the street to a playground so colorful I'm surprised I never saw it before. Laura makes mental notes of these kinds of things, both playgrounds and my ignorance.


Yuula did not waste anytime testing out the swings and slides. All seemed up to her standard but I think she was partial to the humpty slide off the pirate ship. That sucker can fly. One time we didn't catch her, "let's see what happens", I says. Knee scrapes happen.


But she still had fun. A little walk around the lake and the trip was complete. Now just had to bike back up those hills. Calf workout.

1 comment:

Mom and Dad said...

love this last pic....you just wonder "what is she thinking"

just a caution on those mental slides...they can be scorching hot....so test before she goes down them...I remember being at a park where someone (stranger) let their kid run up and go down...then the screams ....no one else was using the slide cause we knew it was hot....