Monday, July 26, 2010

Heights Weren't In The Contract


I drove a flatbed today. Gotta strap heavy steel staircases to the back, kinda tricky stuff. Makes for rides of high anxiety. Don't wanna kill anyone ya know? Every once in a while I have to pull over on the side of the highway and tighten up the straps, to keep things from falling off. As if being on the shoulder narrowly dodging speeding cars wasn't enough, I chose a rather poor spot to do it today, on a high overpass over a junkyard. But I didn't notice til I was walking along the edge of the bed of the truck and looked over the side and didn't see the road below but gravel & grass, about 4 stories down.


Looks lime someone's made the fall before. I saw their ghost.


Short story shorter, I'm home safe and sound.

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