Monday, August 6, 2012

Horns In Storms


Such is life. Last year we didn't even make it to a field when the rain spoiled the party. This year we had a sunny shine day only to be followed by torrential bouts of pummeling rain. At least we stayed undercover save only a slightly manic dash from our princess parking to the secret gate, but the heavy rains and us carrying a toddler probably aided in the security not noticing that we were flashing faux credentials that pretty much got us anywhere we wanted in the building. Good thing these guys aren't head of security for something that really matters.


Anyhow, onto our (now) annual drum and bugle outing...

We showed up with perfect timing (lunchtime) so we could immediately begin greeting all the old acquaintances with no awkward waving from afar. Unfortunately, as is always the case, rehearsal started up again very quickly and Yuula had her first taste of up close and personal professional flagging.


I think she liked it.

We took to the field shortly after a brief stint in the field level Toyota suites for some catching up with the Pittman's. Once we were front field I may or may not have made a few adjustments to the program. We'll see how it goes.

She sits where where Victor Cruz salsas

Immediately after ensemble we retreated to the Pittman RV for the AC had been pumping and it was the only choice. A decision to dine on traditional Chinese food was made so we filled up the van with Daniel, Eric and JP Pittman himself and ventured out to find the only place within 100 miles that had more than 1 star rating. It was not easy


But we did, and crab rangoon for all, along with Yuula's first platter of lo mein, which she barely touched. She was sticking to her bottle for now.

Got back to the stadium in the pouring rain and not a soul found outside of shelter. We got into the stadium and must've asked at least 20 "guides" where the Cadet alumni gathering was taking place, even giving clues as to it being in a "west hall" somewhere and everyone looked at us like we were morons. Finally arriving at the 50 yard field level suite called THE WEST HALL (c'mon people) we immediately reunited with the likes of which have not been seen in some time. Photos were taken.


Yuula played bunny catch with Jonathan and some DCI judging elite.


They do have a soft side.

Then we kicked back in our air conditioned booth away from the rain and the humidity. It had to be done.


I think Yuula had more fans than the Cavaliers last night.


Good times folks. See ya next year, and not a moment sooner.

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