Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Open The Box Right Away

So tomorrow's Thanksgiving, and Laura, who was on her way home from work, called me to go over her last minute shopping list.
"We need fresh parsley & scallions, green beans, nacho chips and ice cream."
What is apple crisp without a heaping spoonful of vanilla ice cream to melt?
"Yes don't forget the ice cream."

"Hey by the way", this is still me, "we got some giant box from your parents today."

"What's in it?"

"Dunno. Figured I'd wait for you"

"Oh boy. Okay see ya in a bit."
Fast Forward an hour, Laura gets home and seemingly simultaneously realizes that, YES, she's forgotten the ice cream. I threw her off by asking her to pick up the ingredients for her amazing gameday chip dip. It's getting late and we have three dishes to cook tonight. What to do? We could live without the ice cream, but would that be a curse for all our Thanksgivings to come? We both hopped back in the car and made the 20 minute trip to Z's. She ran in and grabbed the gallon of Weis brand vanilla and a DiGiorno for good measure. We drove home, all the while discussing my infatuation with cataloguing and hoping I don't jump off the roof 25 years from now, and the hour went by quick. All that for some ice cream.

Fast forward again, about an hour. We've eaten the pizza and are peeling apples, also onto our second glass of Franzia's finest when it hits me...
"We never opened that package from Georgia!"

"Oh yeah go get it!"
I come back with nervous excitement. What have the Krupps sent us on this Thanksgiving Eve? Is it her mothers secret Thanksgiving recipes? Is it a special roasting pan passed down from one Krupp cook to another? Is it that timbale drum finally from last Christmas?

It was an ice cream maker.

With a note attached saying...
"I know you and Travis will just love making your own ice cream!"
Should've opened the box right away.

Oh and the timbale was in there too. I've already composed three tunes and it's driving Laura crazy.

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