What sandwich you pick up today for lunch may say a thing or two about your personality. A recent study by the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago correlated the personalities of 2,747 people with their sandwich preference. Here are the results...
Club Sandwich
Agreeable and unselfish, club sandwich lovers seek comfort in close, secure relationships. Strongly devoted to work as well as relationships, they can always be counted upon. Best two words to describe those who prefer club sandwich: commitment and loyalty. Those who prefer club sandwich are most compatible with those who chose club, BLT or turkey.
Ham and Cheese Sandwich
Curious and intuitively oriented, those who prefer ham and cheese find their inquisitive nature directs them to a wide range of interests. Their serious nature can point them into the arena of existential concerns. They are most productive when allowed to work on their own, without micromanagement from supervisors. Down time allows their creativity to blossom. Those who prefer ham and cheese sandwich function best without strong romantic entanglements.
Turkey Sandwich
Those who prefer turkey sandwich are free-thinkers, naturally rebellious against authority. They are their own boss and function best at work and in relationships when given "space" or when left to their own device. If not careful, turkey sandwich lovers can become mired down in a swamp of existential philosophy. Most romantically compatible with others who also prefer turkey sandwiches.
Tuna Sandwich
Aggressive, achievement-oriented and natural leaders who are driven to succeed in both work and interpersonal relationships. Competitive, driven, intolerant of failure, they demand the best from themselves and those that surround them. However, they become irritated with the minor vicissitudes of life and demonstrate impatience with long lines, rush hour traffic or slow Internet connections. Those who prefer tuna sandwich are most romantically compatible with those who prefer egg salad and others who like tuna.
Egg Salad Sandwich
Entertaining, lively, energetic, they thrive as the center of attention. Egg salad sandwich lovers crave novelty, excitement and adventure. They tend to be seductive, provocative and charming, but are also overly trusting and vulnerable to the influence of others who surround them. Those who prefer egg salad sandwich are the universal romantic. They are compatible with all sandwich lovers.
Chicken Salad Sandwich
Easy-going, well-adjusted, empathic, and understanding. They are the perfect spouse or partner. Those who prefer chicken salad sandwich are most romantically compatible with those who prefer egg salad sandwich.
Seafood Salad Sandwich
Agreeable, unselfish, seafood salad sandwich lovers seek comfort in close, secure relationships. Strongly devoted to work as well as relationships, they can always be counted upon. Best two words to describe those who prefer seafood sandwich: commitment and loyalty. Romantic compatibility is with those who prefer BLT and seafood salad.
Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato [aka the BLT]
Conscientious, perfectionist, devoted to work, home or relationship. Task-oriented and maintains the moral high ground at all times. Honest, forthright.Best described by the word "integrity." BLT sandwich lovers are most compatible with those who prefer seafood salad sandwich.
There ya go! So now next time you're meeting someone new or on a date or something all you have to do is take them to a deli and pay close attention to what they order and that will tell everything you need to know about this sandwich eater. Case closed. When it comes down to it I'm a turkey sandwich guy, but I've been known to dabble a little with a good tuna or BLT between rye. Sorry no grilled cheese or PBJ results. Fascists!!!
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