Tuesday, July 14, 2009

My Lawn Eats Mowers For Breakfast

I haven't lived in this house long, but everytime I head out to the shed and pull out power tools to work on the yard, I think to myself "What could possibly go wrong this time?" Sure enough, disaster, as it always does, strikes.

Quick history. We bought a lawnmower last year. Used it once. It broke. Brought it back, manufacturers defect. Could only return our money. No more lawnmowers to exchange for, out of season. Got a weedwacker. Tried changing the wire. Spring shot into the brush of the dense woods. No chance of recovery. Weedwacker rendered ineffective. Borrowed mower from neighbor. Only got halfway done with when they needed it back. Sidenote: their yard is an 8x8 square patch. Ours is not. Just saying.


All this has caused some hard feelings between the lawn and myself, and the thing is I know I would enjoy taking care of the yard, if it would only let me. This time we borrowed my fathers mower & wacker. And at first things went swimmingly. Despite the grass having grown to about 3 feet 8 inches (no exaggeration here) the mower was handling it and we were finally seeing ground. We were beatific.

That didn't last long.


Another long story short, the mower gave out. Tried a few things. Nothing. But I was not going to go down like that. I was gonna finish this yard. I took the weedwacker in one hand and my gloves in the other and manned up, deciding I would do the entire backyard with this only.


Now for those of you maybe unfamiliar with this approach to lawn care, it's a little like trying to shave Sasquatch with a pair of plastic safety scissors. It's all about the layers. Now we are best friends.


Eight snakes, a turkey sandwich and a long afternoon later we are done. It ain't pretty folks, but at least it's not 4 feet of jungle foliage.


And hopefully our work for the week is done too. Maybe pick up a few rooms, the office has a layer of cat hair covering the surge protector. I tried to throw it outside with the other cats the other day. Probably should clean it. Other than that, sit back, maybe take in some movie/music, use Laura's Chilis gift card and go to a fair. Still gotta get that tent out.

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