Sunday, August 17, 2008

New Feature For A Sunday Nite

So the "Choice Musical Selections Currently In Heavy Rotation" sidebar has been bothering me lately, and honestly I doubt anyone ever looks at it or checks any of the stuff out,.,.,.-\ neither here nor there, I have decided to update this section and hold back on the fancy semantics and call it "Favorite New Music"!

It's over there>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Anyhow, it is what it says it is. The choice musical selections that are currently in heavy rotation here at the Eslter household, the newest masterpieces from the worlds foremost authorities on modern music (some so new you may have trouble finding it yet (be patient)). And all come complete with lovely artwork and equipped with links to hear some outstanding tracks by the artists who chose that artwork. Fancy I know! You can't say I didn't try.

{look at that, I spelled my last name wrong up there}

Naturally all come highly recommended, as these are the chosen few out of the many sifted thru and carefully examined each and every week by trained experts (Fran & I), but if you find yourself hating it all, then you have issues and will probably be better off listening to some Nickelback, Lord help us.

Check back often, as I am sure they'll change weekly.

1 comment:

rericson said...

Hey! I was wandering randomly through the blogs and happened on yours. I saw you were from E.Burg so I figured since we're neighbors I'd say "hiya"....
I liked a couple of the songs you've posted, going to share them with my son....I think he'll enjoy them also...
Have a great week!