Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Garlic Finally

So not so much a flood gate as a slow drip, but where else to start remedying my procrastination than with a story about procrastination itself...


We woke up early on Sunday. We had full intention to work. I know. Sunday. Work. Makes no sense. But we have work to do. This will explained another day. But for now, we woke up and said NO. We. Will not. Work. On this day. And this is the time of year that we breeze thru for some reason that we breeze thru and then regret all that it has to offer. The transition from summer to fall has much to offer in the ways of festivals and gatherings that we find lovely and somehow always miss. Not this year. It's Sunday. And there's garlic. 

But first; breakfast. 

At which we had some celebrating to do. You see, Laura was celebrating her first day of maternity leave part deux. She is off for six weeks. These six weeks are going to be interesting. We are celebrating now, in case we don't have something to celebrate about later. So, cheers.

It wasn't long after we arrived at the garlic festival that Yuula was crowned Garlic Pope. She made her own crown. It took 47 minutes.

We found the garlic flock. I asked if they made garlic-scented sweaters out of them. The query was not met with a pleasant response. 

Yuula got a unicorn tattoo. I can only imagine that it won't be long til this is done in permanent ink. And then it's not my problem. 

 Aesop was there, too. He didn't get a tattoo but, he still managed to have a good time. 

 Maybe because I was throwing his little ass in the air.

What do you think Laura chose?

Potato Sword!

No good way to eat this thing.

The picture doesn't do it justice, but this child was a dirty monkey.

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