Monday, November 26, 2012

I Just May Shoot My Eye Out

So first they make the god-awful sequel and now it's been musicalized. I don't know which is worse. Will people stop at no ends? And worse is it's headed up by Ralphie himself. Why Ralphie why? Making bad decisions as a young child (ie. dropping the f-bomb in front of your pops, participating in general hooligaism, befriending Schwartz) is one thing, but you're a grown man now damnit. I should've seen this coming when I saw the price tags on those leg lamps way back when. It's a lamp people. You and those moose mug makers from National Lampoon's need to stop ruining Christmas for everyone.

Check it out, if you want your childhood nostalgia devoured by a money-hungry troll-faced succubus that lives off of baby nightmares and stench of death.

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