Monday, February 20, 2012

Storing Sundays

Storing Sundays. Sounds like we figured out a way to collect the best day of the week and set them aside for later on in life, a 401k-day if you will. Let's see that's 52 Sundays a year, I'm 33, Laura's 25 and Yuula's 1, we got about 3000 Sundays waiting for us. We should start cashing in now...


However, that is not the intent of the title. I mean that we spent Sunday, the entire Sunday working in our new storage unit. We use Uncle Bob's. They got a nice family vibe. We've inhabited a 5x10 unit for a couple years now, but since the baby and our neverending home re-decor we've been forced into a larger space. Three times larger. 10x15. Nice. So the job yesterday was making three trips with both vehicles full each time, and shifting the stuff from the old spot to the new. 2-3 hours tops.


We started at 8am. Around 7:30pm Yuula had had enough and Laura took her home. I finished up around 8:30 and came home, feet sore from crawling around on concrete and back sore from lifting unnecessarily heavy boxes. So it's somewhat done. I mean, the stuff is in there. Still some organizing to do to optimize our space, plus Laura has a hit list of things that she wants to go and join the gang in good ol' 3024. If I don't adhere to her request I just may end on that list myself.

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