Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Shea's Final Opening Day

It's odd to see that mammoth stadium being built practically an arm's length from the Mets bullpen. It's practically swallowing poor little Shea whole. I am excited to see the new CitiField tho, get into a new venue, especially if the Mets are a bust this season. It'll feel like a clean slate.

So today is the final opening day in Shea ever. I myself have watched quite a few games there and hope to catch at least one or two this season. We'll see how that turns out. But the Mets are home finally, after a lukewarm start (2-3), and can only hope they pull out ahead of the Marlins!? Of course the Phillies are in town to try and spoil it all. Willie Randolph has been 3-0 in home openers so, that's promising. I'm just interested to see how these two teams play for the first time this year, ya know, with the bad blood and nasty comments and all. See who puts their money where their mouth is.

OK. National anthem just ended. Bye.

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